Discover the benefits of consuming Omega 3 and its hidden properties for the body

Omega 3 is one of the most important nutrients that the body needs in every one of its cells. Omega 3 changes the body from the outside and the inside. In this article, we will learn about the importance of Omega 3, its most important sources, its doses, and how to obtain it from nature. We will also learn about Types of supplements, whether original or otherwise.

The importance of omega 3

The body needs two types of fats daily, every morning. The first type of these fats is saturated fats, which are found in coconut butter and ghee. The second type is unsaturated fats. If the fats are monounsaturated, (monou saturated fats), meaning that they have a bond with carbon, such as olive oil, or (polyunsaturated fats), meaning that they have many bonds with carbon atoms, so if the first carbon bond is with atom number 3, it is omega 3, but if it is the first bond
Carbon dioxide with atom number 6 is omega 6.

Omega 3 is also needed by the body for vision, heart health, arteries, skin, bones, immune, nervous, and brain cells, and everything in the body, and any of the body’s covering of trillions of cells needs fat in its covering, and when there is no Omega 3 in the body, All cell coverings will be damaged.

Omega 3 sources

Omega-3 is found in fatty fish, such as tuna, salmon, and sardines, but the greatest source of omega-3 of all is mackerel, which is the planet's best source of omega-3.
Omega 3 is also found in aquatic algae (ALGAR), chia seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin pulp or white pulp, and some nuts also contain Omega 3, but plant nuts must be converted inside the body into Omega 3, but there is only 15%. Of humans have this ability, and 85% of humans do not have the ability to do so.

The most important omega-3 compounds

There are only two compounds that the body uses: (DHA) and (EPA), and when consuming Omega-3 from plant sources, the body must convert it into Omega-3, in order to produce these two compounds, and when these two compounds are present in the body, it benefits from them.

Benefits of Omega 3

When EPA and DHA are present in the body, the heart’s ability to burn fat increases, its strength increases, and triglycerides in the body decrease, because when beneficial fats enter the body, the body expels triglycerides, thus preventing clots, strengthening the heart, and improving Blood circulation, the nervous system, and treating poor attention in children, because the brain loves beneficial fats.
Omega 3 also prevents inflammation, unlike Omega 6, which increases inflammation in the body when it rises above the normal rate.
Therefore, Omega 3 must be taken in higher quantities than Omega 6, in order to prevent increased inflammation.
When Omega 3 enters the body, it reduces prostaglandin, and thus improves the joints, prevents infections, especially chronic infections, maintains the immune system, joint flexibility, and body flexibility, and treats roughness. It also works to increase the hormone serotonin, and treat Depression, improving mood.
Therefore, people who eat foods that contain Omega-3 are happy, and ophthalmologists have begun to prescribe Omega-3 for people who suffer from glaucoma, because Omega-3 improves eye pressure.
Omega 3 also works to improve the skin, because when you eat beneficial fats, it maintains the freshness of the skin, treats dry skin, and makes it moist, so it improves the skin and improves collagen in the body, and thus no wrinkles appear on the face.
Also, when you eat fat, the body leaves fat. If you maintain exercise, or your diet is good, and you increase omega 3, your body will lose fat as a contributing factor, because you are giving the body fat, and thus increasing the body’s ability to burn fat more.

Specifications of the best supplement

To know whether an omega-3 supplement is good or not, it must be written on the supplement that it is free of heavy metals, because it comes from fish, and fish is full of mercury. If you take it from a cheap source, this will lead to poisoning the body with the mercury and aluminum that are present. In the oceans, instead of treating the body from the diseases we talked about.
It must also be written on it that it is from the Deep Oceans, far from any pollution, and (EPA + DHA), it must be from 1 gram to 2 grams in the supplement, and the maximum is 3 grams, because (EPA + If more than 3 grams of DHA are taken, it can cause problems in the body.
Omega-3 supplements or fish oil also contain vitamin A, and taking vitamin A in excessive quantities can cause poisoning in the body.

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