Hair Loss Treatment

Hair loss is one of the biggest hair problems that most women suffer from, so they search for treatments for this problem. Below is the most important treatments for hair loss.

stay away from stress

You must stay away from stress, because stress is deadly and destroys your life and body, affecting hair and making it fall out. There is no need to be fanatical, because nothing is worth it.

Reduce free radicals

Reduce free radicals in your body and inflammation, because the weak organism called hair is very affected, and free radicals come from hydrogenated oils, vegetable fats, carcinogenic things, organic food, or those that contain a lot of pesticides, all of this works to supply free radicals, and inflammation comes. Of sugars, glutens, and cow's milk, so you must stay away from all of these things, so that the body can control itself, whether this is an immune disease, an inflammatory disease, or a vitamin deficiency.

Proteins and Vegetables 

You should eat proteins in large quantities, because protein is very important for hair health, and for foods that contain protein, such as: red meat, fish, and eggs.
Eat vegetables, because they contain antioxidants, iron, and contain important nutrients for the liver, kidneys, thyroid, and adrenal glands.

Omega 3

Omega 3 is very important for hair health, so you must eat nutrients that contain Omega 3, and stay away from foods that contain Omega 6 and Omega 9, because Omega 6 causes inflammation in the body, while Omega 3 is what works to lose excess weight, and it is It reduces triglycerides and stimulates the brain. If you do not want to take omega-3 as a supplement in the form of a capsule, you must take it from its natural sources, such as names.

Zinc and biotin for hair health

Zinc is taken from supplements at a rate of 50 milligrams, and biotin from 1000 to 3000 milligrams every day, but when biotin is taken as a supplement, it must be in the liquid form, because it needs 50% of water in order for the body to absorb it and benefit from it better, and foods that contain Biotin is like eggs, red meat, fish, nuts, and guava, and as for foods that contain zinc, it is like oysters and all seafood, and it is also found in eggs.


Fats help absorb vitamin D, because the lack of vitamin D will affect the hair, and because vitamin D has 2,000 functions that it performs.
As for foods that contain fats, coconut butter, avocados, and fish that contain a high percentage of fats.


To have healthy, thick hair, immunity to immune diseases, inflammatory diseases, improved immunity, and improved digestion, there must be a healthy intestine, capable of absorbing the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that the body and hair need, and repairing the intestine and making it able to absorb the nutrients that the body and hair need.
The body and hair need it. You must take probiotics as a supplement, or eat foods that contain it, such as pickles, yogurt, and fermented foods. But if you want to take it in the form of a supplement, you must take more than 5 billion, for 10 days every month, in order for it to function. It regulates digestion, immunity, minerals, and bacteria, and thus helps hair grow and thicken.


(L_Carnitine) works to strengthen and thicken hair, and works to increase energy cells, which helps hair growth. (L_Carnitine) is found in red meat, fish of all kinds, nuts, chia seeds, flax seeds, and black pulp. White pulp or pumpkin pulp, garlic, broccoli, eggs, and coconut butter, all of these foods contain a high percentage of zinc.
And magnesium.


One of the most important elements that everyone lacks after the age of 20 is collagen, which is a protein and is very important for joints, cartilage, bones, nails, and hair. When there is a lack of collagen in the body, problems occur in the skin and bones, and in order to treat collagen deficiency, it is necessary to Drink cow bone broth twice a week, but for collagen to work well, there must be vitamin C with it in order to activate collagen.

Onion juice

The onion is squeezed, filtered, and a spray is made from it, and then it is placed on the head. An experiment was conducted on some people, and within one month, 73% of these people’s hair grew, and within three months of this experiment, 88% of the people’s hair grew. .

Coconut Oil

If you apply coconut oil three times a week at night and leave it until the morning, all harmful bacteria die, the free radicals around the hair and around the hair follicles die, and the nutrition inside the hair increases by 40%.


Scientific experiments have proven that the plant most capable of reviving hair after the death of the hair follicle is hibiscus, where the leaves and stems are boiled, then the scalp is washed with this boiling water two to three times a week because it revives the hair or revives the hair.

Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba increases the speed of hair growth and reduces the number of hair deaths every day. It works to increase the lifespan and length of the hair. It is used in the form of oil twice a week, and within two or three months, the results will appear.

Peppermint oil

It is applied to the hair at night before bed until the morning, because it increases blood circulation and increases the rate of hair growth.

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